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The Vampire Tapestry

by Suzy McKee Charnas

$7.95 (e-book) EPUB
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“Probably the best vampire novel ever written.” 
  —Oxford Times

“…Charnas’ view of her protagonist is unswervingly unsentimental, and…her denouement is savage and intense and brilliantly satisfying.

“…Charnas’ writing is also rich and impressive: she seems equally at home on a college campus, in the office of a professional therapist, in the emotions of a 14-year-old boy, and in the music and story of Tosca. The novel works on many levels — as pure adventure, as social description, as psychological drama, and as a passionate exploration of the web that links instinct, morality, and culture. It is a serious, startling, and revolutionary work, and I recommend it to all comers.” 
  —Washington Post

“Told in five interlocking novellas that form a single chronological narrative, this is the story of a seemingly immortal figure… His academic specialty is dream research, but his true nature compels him to seek intimacy with ‘colleagues, students, and social companions’ who then become his admirers and eventually his victims.

“…It’s a fascinating conception, handled with masterly skill. Charnas’ characters are boldly drawn and memorably complex, her prose is alive with energy and wit, her narrative inventions ingenious and atmospheric. Nothing better has been done in this, er, vein since Bram Stoker’s legendary Dracula in 1897. And, as a pure piece of writing, Charnas’ deeply intelligent, disturbing novel may actually be the superior book.” 
  —USA Today

ISBN: 978-1-61976-202-2 (13 digit)
Publication Date: Oct 2020