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Conversation Pieces

Vol. 42 — Three Songs for Roxy

by Caren Gussoff

$12 $10.00 (paperback)
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Three Songs for Roxy tells three inter-related tales: of Kizzy, a foundling raised by a Romany Gypsy family in present-day Seattle, as she is about to be claimed by the aliens who left her to be raised as human; of Scott Lynn Miller, an unstable survivor of Katrina and security guard who is deeply affected by what he witnesses when the aliens contact Kizzy; and of "Natalie," an alien assigned to retrieve Kizzy-- who is befriended by the current champion of the "Night of a Thousand Stevies" and falls in love with Kizzy's adopted sister Roxy. Three Songs for Roxy explores issues of identity, gender, sexuality, and what it means to be an outsider.


Three Songs for Roxy, in its delicate tapestry, its colourful simplicity, its unadorned articulacy, truly is one of those texts best discovered in the reading. This little book is brief enough to be consumed in a single sitting, but its emotional and metaphorical resonances reverberate far longer. These stories offer important insights into the life of the Roma community, and as such they are valuable on these terms alone. But above and beyond such specificity, this is a book about marginalisation on a more universal scale, the sense of community among aliens—a community to which we may each find ourselves belonging along varying axes. Gussoff examines issues of gender, sexuality, race and mental illness with a sensitivity that is all-inclusive and—if I may use such a term—wonderfully, refreshingly straightforward.  (Read the whole review)
  —Strange Horizons, Nina Allan, February 12, 2016

ISBN: 978-1-61976-073-8 (13 digit)
Publication Date: Feb 2015
paperback 110 pages