The WisCon Chronicles (Vol 8): Re-Generating WisConedited by Rebecca J. Holden![]()
WisCon is filled with strong opinions and loud voices. Central to any discussion about definitions of feminisms are questions about outsiders and insiders: Who is WisCon? Who is feminist? Whose opinion matters? Whose voice is heard? Who counts? Who belongs to which generation and does that matter? What does WisCon mean now? What will it mean for future generations? This year’s volume of The WisCon Chronicles collects stories, poems, essays, blogs, and speeches that explore these questions within the framework of the feminism(s) of WisCon spanning “waves,” generations, and media. In addition to three speeches —by WisCon 37 Guests of Honor Joan Slonczewski and Jo Walton, and Tiptree Award winner Kiini Ibura Salaam—the volume includes a spotlight section on poetry and visual arts, Heather Whipple’s statistical study of con attendance, Elise Matthesen’s and Nancy Jane Moore’s thoughts on reporting and ending sexual harassment in conventions, and Janice Mynchenberg’s reflections on being a Christian pastor within the sf/f community. Other contributors include L. Timmel Duchamp, Nisi Shawl, Joan Haran, and Rachel Kronick. *Publication of this book was partially supported by a grant from the Society for the Furtherance & Study of Fantasy & Science Fiction (SF3).
ISBN: 978-1-61976-061-5 (13 digit)