Impolitic! offers a selection of work from Andrea Hairston and Debbie
Notkin, WisCon 36's Guests of Honor. In a long essay, Notkin samples her
incisive blog posts on body politics, examining the narratives told about
our bodies and how we are told to live in and think about them, inciting
her readers to the most profound rebellion. Tiptree Award-winning Hairston
offers us a short fiction, “Griots of the Galaxy,” that enacts that
profound rebellion in all its visceral, thrilling drama. Hairston's essay
“Prophetic Artists,” grounded in the early twenty-first century, looks to
Octavia Butler and others to illuminate the immanent possibilities of the
here and now, reminding us of why sf/f is so necessary to us in 2012. And
finally, Notkin and Hairston interview one another. Impolitic! is,
throughout, an exemplar of what Hairston in that interview calls the
“theatre of the mind,” where “lived experience is transformed into meaning
and performed.”
ISBN: 978-1-61976-009-7 (13 digit)
Publication Date: May 2012
paperback 146 pages