
Ambling Along
the Aqueduct

The Cascadia
Subduction Zone

The Aqueduct Bulletin

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Catalog for 2024-2025

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PO Box 95787
Seattle, WA 98145-2787
Susan diRende

Susan diRende

Susan diRende is a writer and artist with roots in live performance. At 20, she ran away from college and joined a circus where she learned how to play with the boundaries in order to get a laugh. Ever since then, she has been writing, painting, performing, and filming stories aimed at illumination and transformation through laughter. In 2005, Susan founded Broad Humor, a film festival for women's comedies which has been named one of the top 5 film festivals for women. She has won awards as a playwright, screenwriter, filmmaker, and performer. A multilingual US/EU citizen, she currently is living the vagabond life with no fixed abode, chasing images and ideas wherever the impulse leads.

Unpronounceable Knife Witch