
Ambling Along
the Aqueduct

The Cascadia
Subduction Zone

The Aqueduct Bulletin

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Ruth Berman

Ruth Berman

Ruth Berman's work has appeared in many sf/fantasy, general, and literary magazines and anthologies. Her novel, Bradamant's Quest, was published by FTL Publications of Minnesota. She was one of the contributors to Lady Poetesses from Hell (Bag Person Press Collective, Minnesota). Her translations of French fantasy stories have appeared in Fantasy Macabre, Tales of the Unanticipated, and Space and Time. She received a Ph.D. in English (with a minor in French) from the University of Minnesota, and wrote her dissertation "Suspending Disbelief: the development of fantasy as a literary genre in nineteenth-century British fiction as represented by four leading periodicals, Edinburgh Review, Blackwood's, Fraser's, and Cornhill." She has lived in Minnesota most of her life, apart from some time in California and Oklahoma, and getting born in Kentucky (where her father was stationed before getting sent overseas in WWII).

The Prince of the Aquamarines