
Ambling Along
the Aqueduct

The Cascadia
Subduction Zone

The Aqueduct Bulletin

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Rosanne Rabinowitz

Rosanne Rabinowitz

For many years I have lived in South London, where I engage in a variety of occupations including freelance editing, copywriting and care work. Other forms of toil have included stints as a life model, oral history researcher, cafe salad maker/waitress, part-time mental health worker and a very busy full-time "unemployed" person. My fiction often draws on my experiences as a precarious worker and I continue to contribute non-fiction to union, community and campaign websites.

I first got hooked on writing when I helped produce radical London-based women's zines in the 1980s/90s such as Feminaxe and Bad Attitude. A typical headline in the first publication was "Prepare for a queer riot in '88". And in Bad Attitude's opening editorial we suggested this approach in a time of reaction when our previous gains are under threat: "We have to go on the offence and be offensive!" You might catch a few clips of me talking about those days in a forthcoming documentary on "rebel dykes" of the 1980s (http://www.rebeldykes1980s.com/).

As much as I enjoyed writing news, commentary and reviews, the time came when I just had to make stuff up... My fiction has since found its way to journals like Postscripts and Black Static, and I completed a creative writing MA at Sheffield Hallam University. Helen's Story, published first by PS Publishing in the UK, received a Shirley Jackson Award nomination for achievement in the "literature of the dark fantastic." Other work in print includes contributions to anthologies such as Tales From the Vatican Vaults, Jews vs Aliens, Murder Ballads, Never Again: Weird Fiction Against Racism and Fascism and Horror Uncut: Tales of Economic Insecurity and Unease.

Back in the 1980s I played bass in a band called Sluts from Outer Space. Though I've not been a consistent musician since then I've always been an avid listener... this interest came to the fore in my novelette "In the Pines", published in the award-winning anthology Extended Play: the Elastic Book of Music. I often write about community and history, and explore resonances between the present, past and the future that emerge at times of stress and intensity. I guess that's why I'm calling my forthcoming story collection Resonance & Revolt, which will be published by Eibonvale Press (https://www.eibonvalepress.co.uk).

I enjoy strong coffee, whisky and jumping around to raucous music of all genres. I like a good schlep around my neighbourhood and visits to a local pub once frequented by William Blake. I often engage in fretting, nail-biting, sarcasm and satire. For more information visit: rosannerabinowitz.wordpress.com.
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Helen's Story