Mari Ness
Mari Ness
Born in Massachusetts, Mari Ness spent much of her life wandering the
world and reading, which trained her to do one thing in life:
write. Her interest in fairy tales was first sparked by a gloriously
illustrated book given to her as a birthday present when she was four,
and solidified by a later book of Italian fairy tales which were even
better, because they included a funny talking parrot. She continued to
hunt down as many tales as she could. She holds a degree in English
and medieval studies from the University at Binghamton, and has done
additional graduate work in history and marine biology. More than one
hundred of her short stories have appeared in multiple publications
including Clarkesworld,, Lightspeed,
Uncanny, Fireside, Nightmare, Diabolical
Plots, Daily Science Fiction, Capricious SF, and
Kaleidotrope. Her poetry has appeared in Strange
Horizons, The Mithila Review, Twisted Moon, Polu
Texni, and Goblin Fruit and has been nominated for the
Rhysling, Dwarf Stars, and Elgin Awards. She is also the author of
Through Immortal Shadows Singing, a novella in poetry. She
currently lives in central Florida, where she watches terrible TV,
reads considerably less terrible books, and dreams of one day making
the yard worthy of a fairy tale.