
Ambling Along
the Aqueduct

The Cascadia
Subduction Zone

The Aqueduct Bulletin

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Jaymee Goh

Jaymee Goh

Jaymee Goh is a writer of fiction, poetry, and academese from Malaysia who moved to Canada for tertiary education. A graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing Workshop 2016, she is currently a PhD Candidate at the University of California, Riverside, working on affect, multiculturalism, and whiteness in steampunk. Her creative work has been published in Strange Horizons, Lightspeed Magazine, and Interfictions Online. Her non-fiction has appeared in Steampunk III: Steampunk Revolution, and Science Fiction Studies. She co-edited The Sea is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia (Rosarium Publishing), and maintains a blog exploring steampunk and postcolonialism called Silver Goggles (http://silver-goggles.blogspot.com).

The WisCon Chronicles (Vol 11)