
Ambling Along
the Aqueduct

The Cascadia
Subduction Zone

The Aqueduct Bulletin

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Hiromi Goto

Hiromi Goto

Hiromi Goto used to be a horsey girl who never had a horse. Now she writes stories. She is not saying there is a correlation but that doesn't mean one can't be found. She is a queer feminist Japanese Canadian with two grown children. She's won numerous awards and has published books in adult fiction, YA, middle readers, and poetry. She would also ride a Clydesdale, a mustang, a Friesian, and a Mongol horse. She's served as writer-in-residence in universities across Western Canada. She's currently the YA/Genre mentor through The Writer's Studio at Simon Fraser University. She tweets at @hinganai, and her website can be found at www.hiromigoto.com.

Photo by Dana Putnam
Systems Fail