
Ambling Along
the Aqueduct

The Cascadia
Subduction Zone

The Aqueduct Bulletin

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Debbie Notkin

Debbie Notkin

Debbie Notkin has been a science-fiction and fantasy acquisitions editor (Tor Books), a science-fiction and fantasy bookstore owner (The Other Change of Hobbit, Berkeley, California), as well as a reviewer, essayist, and appreciator of the field. She is active in helping run WisCon, the world's largest feminist science-fiction convention. She is the chair of the James Tiptree Award motherboard. She wrote the text for Women En Large: Images of Fat Nudes, and Familiar Men: A Book of Nudes, both with photography by Laurie Toby Edison. She blogs about body image and related topics at Body Impolitic (www.laurietobyedison.com/discuss).

Impolitic! 80!